Presenter Information
Please note: All presenters must register and pay the registration fee for the conference (if they haven’t already). If we did not receive your registration by October 4, 2023 we may need to remove your presentation from the program.
Presentation Details: Symposia
Your symposium presentation should be prepared according to the following specifications:
The session will begin with a brief introduction by the moderator that will be assigned to your session, followed immediately by the presentations. Each presentation room will have a head table for you to sit when not presenting. You will present from the podium in the room. After your presentation, you will return to the head table and will participate in Q&A from the table at the conclusion of all presentations in your room.
Your team will have 70 minutes to present all 3 presentations, and the moderator will facilitate Q&A and discussion during the last 20 minutes of the session.
Please create your slides in Powerpoint, using slide size 16:9 (widescreen).
All presenters are required to upload their presentation slides HERE by October 18, 2023. All Audio or video files must be embedded in the presentation.
Please title your uploaded presentation as follows: Date.Time.LastName
Example: Nov1.9am.Smith
The A/V team will combine all presentations in your session into one file, and will be in charge of sharing slides. Presenters will be able to move through their slides via a clicker at the podium.
We also advise presenters to test the equipment in their room well before their presentations, to ensure they can advance their slides and any media files are working. There will be A/V teams in each room to help with any issues that may arise.
As a precaution, bring all media files with you to the meeting, even though you’ve embedded them in your slide presentation.
You may not be able to see your speaker notes on the screen at the podium, so please bring printed notes as a backup, if needed.
By October 4th, please provide 1-2 questions or discussion prompts that you would like to be asked during the Q&A session, in case the questions are slow to come in from the attendees. Your questions should be submitted here.
Presentation Details: Workshops
Workshops should be prepared according to the following specifications:
A moderator will not be assigned to your session. Your team is free to format the session how you feel best, but the session should not exceed 90 minutes (including QA/discussion).
If you plan to use slides during your workshop, please create your slides in Powerpoint, using slide size 16:9 (widescreen).
All presenters are required to upload their presentation slides HERE by October 18, 2023. All Audio or video files must be embedded in the presentation.
Please title your uploaded presentation as follows: Date.Time.LastName Example: Nov1.9am.Smith
The A/V team will combine all presentations in your session into one file, and will be in charge of sharing slides. Presenters will be able to move through their slides via a clicker at the podium.
We also advise presenters to test the equipment in their room well before their presentations, to ensure they can advance their slides and any media files are working. There will be A/V teams in each room to help with any issues that may arise.
As a precaution, bring all media files with you to the meeting, even though you’ve embedded them in your slide presentation.
You may not be able to see your speaker notes on the screen at the podium, so please bring printed notes as a backup, if needed.
You are expected to bring any physical materials needed for your workshop with you; however, if you would like any materials (e.g., articles, worksheets etc.) available to attendees electronically before your session, you must submit these to by Wednesday October 11th, so they can be uploaded to the website.
Presentation Details: Oral Presentations
Your oral presentation should be prepared according to the following specifications:
The session will begin with a brief introduction by the moderator that will be assigned to your session, followed immediately by the presentations.
Each session has 6 individual presentations according to topic.
Each presenter will have a total of 12 minutes for the presentation of material and all questions will be held until the end of all presentations. Please be respectful of your fellow presenters and stay within the time limits.
Please create your slides in Powerpoint, using slide size 16:9 (widescreen).
All presenters are required to upload their presentation slides HERE by October 18, 2023. All Audio or video files must be embedded in the presentation.
Please title your uploaded presentation as follows: Date.Time.LastName
Example: Nov1.9am.Smith
The A/V team will combine all presentations in your session into one file, and will be in charge of sharing slides. Presenters will be able to move through their slides via a clicker at the podium.
We also advise presenters to test the equipment in their room well before their presentations, to ensure they can advance their slides and any media files are working. There will be A/V teams in each room to help with any issues that may arise.
As a precaution, bring all media files with you to the meeting, even though you’ve embedded them in your slide presentation.
You may not be able to see your speaker notes on the screen at the podium, so please bring printed notes as a backup, if needed.
By October 4th, please provide 1-2 questions or discussion prompts that you would like to be asked during the Q&A session, in case the questions are slow to come in from the attendees. Your questions should be submitted here.
Presentation Details: Posters
Posters should be prepared according to the following specifications:
The poster board will accommodate a poster that is horizontal, 4 feet wide by 3 feet tall. We will not be able to accommodate any posters larger than 4 feet wide by 3 feet tall.
Please hang your poster on the board with your assigned poster number. Poster number assignments will be provided at conference check-in.
Thumbtacks will be available on-site for mounting on the displays.
No audiovisual equipment is permitted or available for poster presentations.
For Poster Session 1: Posters are available for set up starting the morning of Wednesday November 1, but must be hung by the morning of November 2nd, even though presenters are only required to be present at their board from 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm on November 2nd. All poster boards must be cleared in preparation for the next day, so presenters must remove their posters by the end of the day on November 2nd, following the conclusion of the poster session. Otherwise, they will be taken away.
For Poster Session 2: Posters are available for set up starting the morning of Friday November 3rd. Posters must be hung in advance of the scheduled session (at least one hour prior, but ideally throughout the day), even though presenters are only required to be present at their board from 11:45 am - 12:30 pm CT on November 3rd, 2023. All poster boards must be cleared by the end of the day on November 3rd.
Registration Transfer/Cancellation/Refund Policy
The organizers for the 2023 National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms hope everyone who registers for the conference will be able to attend; however, we do know extenuating circumstances do occur.
Learn more about the 2023 National Research Conference for the Prevention of Firearm-Related Harms Cancellation and Refund Policies below.